My name's pronunciation is known by nobody. This is what I'm doing to change that.
- Step 1: Make a popular podcast where I say my name multiple times. ✓
- Step 2: Promote my name on street signs across the Bay Area. ✓
- Step 3: Get a street named after me.
- Step 4: Get on the local news.
- Step 5: Get on a morning, daytime, or nightime talk show to promote my name across America.
- Step 6: Go to Starbucks and have the cashier spell my name correctly.
Analysis: The "Leland with a T" Strategy is not Working.
The statement has ultimately caused more confusion among colleagues. Most will just call me "Leland" because they don't read past the first word of the email when I introduce myself.

Teland Announces Next Steps To Ensure People Know How to Pronounce His Name
Teland has just announced that he is currently working with the Daly City Council to name a street after Teland - dubbing the new street, "Teland Ave". Details will slowly trickle in as we get more information.

New Study Reports Less than 10% of American Population Can Pronounce "Teland"
A new study shows that the most common pronunciations are "Thailand," "Taiwan," "Tehlan," and "Toyland".
Teland targets Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, WIRED to Promote Name
In a ploy to reach the most popular media outlets, Teland has announced his plans to reach live talk shows and media companies to promote his name's pronunciation.

Where Does "Teland" Come From?
"Teland" is a name that my parents made up. It is not inherently ethnic, although most people seem to think it is.